Does Magiks Limbo trigger in the midst of getting pummeled by special attacks?

I'm only 4 months into the game, I have a 4* Mystic awakening gem, and Magik is my only good champ for it. Looking through the forums, consensus seems to be that she doesnt need it and i should probably save it.
But im wondering if her sig ability triggers Limbo in the midst of taking damage from an enemys special attack. For example if shes taking multiple hits from a special, could her power bar fill after the first hit and trigger limbo for the rest of the attack, or would it trigger only at end of the animation? Guessing SP3 might be treated differently, like how Power Stings do damage before an SP1/SP2 but do damage after an SP3. Havent seen much discussion on this aspect of does seem too powerful if it can undo alot of special damage but the way its written made me think abt it. If her sig ability does trigger midway through a special (or at least SP1 and SP2), i'd personally rate her sig ability much more valuable, tho maybe its just bcuz im a noob lol
But im wondering if her sig ability triggers Limbo in the midst of taking damage from an enemys special attack. For example if shes taking multiple hits from a special, could her power bar fill after the first hit and trigger limbo for the rest of the attack, or would it trigger only at end of the animation? Guessing SP3 might be treated differently, like how Power Stings do damage before an SP1/SP2 but do damage after an SP3. Havent seen much discussion on this aspect of does seem too powerful if it can undo alot of special damage but the way its written made me think abt it. If her sig ability does trigger midway through a special (or at least SP1 and SP2), i'd personally rate her sig ability much more valuable, tho maybe its just bcuz im a noob lol
Another interaction is if you trigger limbo before the sp3 starts it will heal the sp3 damage afterwards upon expiring