Where does the line get drawn?

slayer6slayer6 Member Posts: 377 ★★
edited April 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
More a suggestion than a full dig at designers and makers of the game.
Over the last few months i’ve felt parry and evades are getting harder and harder, i find myself wondering if this is done on purpose as the makers are not making the money they want?
Then i think whats more important keeping loyal players in the game or not to care because more players will join anyway.
Then after what 3 years nightcrawler everyone knew could be changed from dash back light attack and hold block, why would it change now when makers have known about this since the start?
Once again does money out weigh keeping loyal players.
I understand money keeps this game going thats fair but where is the line drawn from making money to sabotage and greed vs players?
Happy players = more money and more enjoyment


  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    As with everything else in this game the AI needs to progress and change to help keep people engaged and challenged at a level they do not suffer from boredom and repetition? Also there are varying levels of AI within the game so as you progress it will act differently along woth the content.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    Unfortunately, I think that's where the problem lies. When the AI progresses to the point that it causes conflicts with our controls and devices, I think it's time to reconsider that method.
    Although, I don't agree that these issues of Parry and Evade are intentional, or a direct result of the AI. It's really a combination of the lag and the reaction speeds. It's not intentional. No Dev that I'm aware of would want their product to be malfunctioning.
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