Easy going silver2/3 ally is recruiting

Hello. We are easy going ally. All AW seasons silver2, last one silver3. AQ 4/3/2. No requirements for events, donations, no line required, we use it, but mostly just game chat.
We understand all of us have lifes and sometimes can’t play much, but I do believe everyone can connect 3 times per 24h to make a move in AW. You are in ally, so help others. Same for AQ. Every week we get ~2k glory. Can do better if more joins in.
No pressure, but help in aq and aw.
[BULA] Cebulaki
Min lvl 50, 100k. We have 5 places. Probably will have few more spaces.
Come and join us!
We understand all of us have lifes and sometimes can’t play much, but I do believe everyone can connect 3 times per 24h to make a move in AW. You are in ally, so help others. Same for AQ. Every week we get ~2k glory. Can do better if more joins in.
No pressure, but help in aq and aw.
[BULA] Cebulaki
Min lvl 50, 100k. We have 5 places. Probably will have few more spaces.
Come and join us!