Unable to link account and lost it

Dear all,

I would like to report a terrible and annoying bug which I've experienced today which caused me to lose my account that I've been playing over a year.

I installed MCoC on my iPad mini about a year ago but never registered an account because I never had to play on another device.
Everything has started to lag a little bit, so I thought of registering a new account and linking my current profile to the new account so that I can play MCoC on a new and faster device.

So I took the following steps:

1. Click on the Settings icon



4. Click Create An Account

5. I entered my email address and password followed by clicking on the Create Account button.

6. Finally I was prompted that account already linked and asking me if I want to login with this account. I clicked the LOG IN button.

The next thing that happened was the game started as though it is a new account with the tutorials! Obviously the new account did not get linked to my profile that I've played over a year.

I immediately contacted support and received a reply in just about an hour later asking a bunch of questions to verify ownership. Fair enough, so I've gone through a lot of trouble to get the answers to these questions but after 3 tries, I am getting back the same generic response asking the same questions. Obviously I did not get some of the answers right, but they don't tell me which ones and I have no idea which one is correct or wrong! Moreover there are some details that I find impossible to obtain.

What was the original player name of your account? Write this name exactly as it appeared in the game.
- I've changed my player name before and I cannot 100% recall the exact original player name because when I played this game the first time, I merely wanted to test it out and did not focus on the player name that I really wanted.

What were your first two real money purchases? Include the dates (yyyy-mm-dd) and the amount of real money you spent on Google or iTunes.
- I only had one real money purchase which I managed to track after checking the whole year history.

What was the original email used for your Kabam ID? Write the exact Kabam ID email address.
- I do not have the original email used for my Kabam ID because I've never registered one, until today!

What country, province, state, or city were you in when you created your account?
- I believe I definitely get this one right.

What is the creation date of your account? Please estimate the date (yyyy-mm-dd) when you created your account in the game. If you are having trouble remembering when you created the account, we recommend that you check the dates of your earliest achievements on your Google Play or Game Center account(s).
- I've disabled Game Center on my iPad mini and I cannot verify this through the purchase history because this is actually a 2nd MCoC profile on this iPad mini. The first profile was created by another family member and he already linked to an account which he is now playing on another device. I could see in my purchase history when I installed this game, but this wasn't the date I created this 2nd profile.

I'm pretty much stuck and don't know how to proceed. Can anyone please help?


  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey XvaderX, I'm sorry to hear you've lost access to your account and are having trouble verifying ownership of it.

    Unfortunately, we don't have direct access to in-game accounts here in the Forums and are unable to help with account-specific issues like this. Therefore, if you require clarification on which questions you haven't answered correctly or need help finding some of the requested information, I recommend getting back in touch with our Support Team for assistance. You can contact them by replying to a previous response or create a new ticket by clicking HERE.
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