how players rate/rank their champs are highly correlated to their skill level. Most tier1 and tier2 players, the vast, vast majority of the damage they take is from Parry, unavoidable mechanics like Limbo (some mild exceptions), and once in a long time a string of regular blocks. All the strengths of LC add up to next to nothing when the bulk of your damage intake is as listed above. Block proficiency becomes way more powerful than any defensive stat since taking a full combo in AQ or AW is pretty close to instant death. If you look at Seatin and Joel's list of top champs, they do not weigh defense and offense even close to the same with the exception of Block Proficiency since that is the one defensive stat that determines over 90% of their damage taken. Most higher tier players just assume if you ever get hit, you already lost so other defensive stats other than BP pale in comparison. Which is why both Caps remain on all their top lists even though he only has 1 good stat. WW2 has bleed but nothing like Gwen or X23, both have random stuns, etc, but most of all they just take little block damage.
If you look at a lot of comments from guys with thousands of posts, many of them have never even completed a Master Event and are in Tier9 wars where the opponents are just slightly stronger than arena champs. In their world Colossus and LC may kick ass since they're trading blows with the champs they are fighting. In that case Armor vs Crit may end up pretty close in value, or physical resist vs armor break, etc. They only really compare in a scenario where you are trading blows = low tier player. (who probably spends more time in the forums than doing hard stuff in the game).
If you want to make LC usable by many different categories of players, you have to add something useful at the higher tiers as well. Armor break/crit/fury are highly valued for obvious reasons. If you want to play around his indestructible theme, a good player would only want it if they can trigger it on their terms to bypass certain mechanics (hold sp2 to push Magik 4/55 bosses into Limbo to bypass almost unavoidable damage). Anything short of this he'd just be more usable for already too easy questing and sit benched his whole life for any high tier player.
You sure about hitting like a pillow? I had a pillow almost break my nose once. Maybe you were trying to say he hits like the feathers IN the pillow?
If you look at a lot of comments from guys with thousands of posts, many of them have never even completed a Master Event and are in Tier9 wars where the opponents are just slightly stronger than arena champs. In their world Colossus and LC may kick ass since they're trading blows with the champs they are fighting. In that case Armor vs Crit may end up pretty close in value, or physical resist vs armor break, etc. They only really compare in a scenario where you are trading blows = low tier player. (who probably spends more time in the forums than doing hard stuff in the game).
If you want to make LC usable by many different categories of players, you have to add something useful at the higher tiers as well. Armor break/crit/fury are highly valued for obvious reasons. If you want to play around his indestructible theme, a good player would only want it if they can trigger it on their terms to bypass certain mechanics (hold sp2 to push Magik 4/55 bosses into Limbo to bypass almost unavoidable damage). Anything short of this he'd just be more usable for already too easy questing and sit benched his whole life for any high tier player.