Looking for fully retired/semi-retired ally

Hello, I'm about to graduate college and season 9's delay has forced my retirement early. I'd prefer no AQ or AW obligations at all but I'm willing to see what's available. My upcoming job will force me to keep my phone away from my desk so literally no game time minus evenings for Monday through Thursday starting June. Contact me on Line at ua3333 (Finlynnd should pull up) or in game as Finlynnd.


  • FinlynndFinlynnd Member Posts: 47
    Update, I have found at least one ally that was willing to take me in on this short a notice but I'm always open to suggestions if you want to make a case.
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    Hi there, we run a retired/relaxed alliance. We run AQ map 2 with no obligation to participate. We do war once in a blue moon. If your looking for a temporary or permanent home your more than welcome. Search for me in game, my Summoner name is Libralonix. No worries if were not at the level you want. All the best in your hunt for a retirement home!
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