deleted my account and unlink

I posting this here want to deleted my account because send ticket support they don’t want to deleted I own my account want deleted everything unlink game from my iOS


  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    How hard is kabam support do one job ask them deleted and unlink account
  • Savio444Savio444 Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    I thought you got banned, close enough to deleted
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    Want deleted don’t want to be link to this game no more so don’t want they to have my account I done this game is frustrating want completed deleted no connection for my own protection
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    But weren't you permenantly banned. That means you'll never have access to that account anyway. Even with a new device you won't be able to. Only you can make a new account, so that's on you.
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    want them to unlink my account from my device but kabam support is bad they don’t give **** how hard is deleted account and unlink from your device. Every other game you unlink you game from your device this game don’t let you contact them they never answer you o give some ****
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    Don’t want another account want them deleted and unlink my device from this game is not hard
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Just uninstall the game. Why should they unlink it when that's all you have to do. They can't unlink the game that's installed to your device. You have to uninstall the game.
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    I did uninstall game but want my profile deleted from game and everything
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    I mean your profile is banned. Permenantly. That's the same as being deleted. No one can access it. No one can use anything on it.
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    but you download game Game Center automatic connect you to your account so they need to unlink my account same way they take your money went you buy something game ask them unlink n
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Make a new game centre account. Or turn game centre off. If you want to play that bad.
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    4 years playing this game they tell me I use account sharing and 3rd party never use any those think this **** **** excuse from. Never cheat this game ,use 3rd party o account sharing but no body believe me only my alliance now never did anything those think same alliance 4 years quest banned player random them send ticket they don’t give **** I not mad is **** from them so take game use imagination I done want they do one think after waste a lot money this game unlink and deleted my profile for good
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    Don’t want to play game no more why ask them to deleted and unlink everything is not hard
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    If you're not going to play then why do you need it unlinked. It's not like when you launch game center it's automatically going to try and launch mcoc. Quit crying and leave already if you're not going to play anymore.
  • ScoobyScooby Posts: 28
    Not cry look like you are Already leave game dude want them to erase game and this account this forum too funny **** still get promotion from them I but unsubscribes everything so piece out join torture this game so **** YOU KABAM AND ALL EMPLOYEE WE LOVE
  • Kabam AhabKabam Ahab Posts: 956
    Hi Scooby, To deactivate your account you will need to reach out to our Support Team and verify your account information. Please include the following information when you contact the Support Team.

    What was the original player name of your account? Write this name exactly as it appeared in the game.
    What were your first two real money purchases? Include the dates (yyyy-mm-dd) and amount of real money you spent on Google or iTunes.
    What was the original email used for your Kabam ID? Write the exact Kabam ID email address.
    What country, province, state, or city were you in when you created your account?
    What is the creation date of your account? Please estimate the date (yyyy-mm-dd) when you created your account in the game. If you are having trouble remembering when you created the account, we recommend that you check the dates of your earliest achievements on your Google Play or Game Center account(s).
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