Control issues aq, aw

Well I've been having all kinds of issues in alliance quest and war for quite awhile and all these issues just keep stacking up on themselves without being fixed that's been going back months.
Specficially I've been having major problems with Howard the duck and black panther, they've been fighting by themselves, firing off power attacks and holding their power attacks before randomly doing them, moving forward and back while trying to control them, issues with swiping, blocking, etc.
It's been making the game almost unplayable, costing, mad resources, costing champions, loyalty, glory etc.
They've been letting all these bugs pile up on top of the other without fixing them, some of them they said we're "fixed" or being investigated but I doubt that either is the case since they seem content to just take our money, and time while disregaring our inputs and complaints.
This is one of the buggiest games I've played, and the devoplers don't seem to care much anymore, and I wish they would take time to actively fix the game, listen to us instead of blaming our devices, ignoring us, closing our threads, or blaming our skill for numerous things.
Anyone else having issues with characters and controls in general during allaince war and quest.
Specficially I've been having major problems with Howard the duck and black panther, they've been fighting by themselves, firing off power attacks and holding their power attacks before randomly doing them, moving forward and back while trying to control them, issues with swiping, blocking, etc.
It's been making the game almost unplayable, costing, mad resources, costing champions, loyalty, glory etc.
They've been letting all these bugs pile up on top of the other without fixing them, some of them they said we're "fixed" or being investigated but I doubt that either is the case since they seem content to just take our money, and time while disregaring our inputs and complaints.
This is one of the buggiest games I've played, and the devoplers don't seem to care much anymore, and I wish they would take time to actively fix the game, listen to us instead of blaming our devices, ignoring us, closing our threads, or blaming our skill for numerous things.
Anyone else having issues with characters and controls in general during allaince war and quest.
Those bugs in the fighting mechanics are happening long time ago.
Many threads have been done here and the old deleted forum. You can do an extensive search and have fun. It could be cool if someone compile every threads talking about the same bugs.
I know there's a lot of threads about these issues, but lately for me it's character specific issues with black panther, gambit, and Howard the duck.
Black panther goes totally uncontrollable, the ducks power hits aren't working to well and pausing for no reason, gambits been missing his first special at point blank range with his card sailing through or by the enemy.
In addition to the control issues, I agree that they should compile a list but until then we're all going to make threads about them.