ANNIHILUS - Close up look plus my opinions.

bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★

PS: It has been awhile since the last time I wrote a long post in English. Pardon for any confusing sentences and grammatical errors.

KEY: Stiffle (when you have the Cosmic Rod buff active)

•Each Stiffle last for 4 sec.
•SP1 will lock Stiffle for an additional 6 sec.
•After SP3, as long as there is an active Stiffle debuff, every new Stiffle inflicted on the opponent will last for 9 sec instead of 4 sec.
• Maximum Stiffle is 12.
• A new Sitffle inflicted on the opponent will not refresh the previous Stiffle.
• Each Stiffle reduces opponent's Offensive Power Rate by 9% (power gain from their successful hit).

IMO, the best ways to play him:
Style 1) Be as aggressive as you can to reach almost SP2 and then launch his SP1 to lock the Stiffle debuff. Repeat until you get the maximum 12 Stiffle and launch his SP2 to consume all Stiffle and get Fury buff per Sitffle consumed. Fury buff last for 10 sec.
Style 2) Do the SP3, then repeat style 1. A little bit faster ramp up.

1) Need an Aggressive gameplay BUT with caution.
When you're trying to be as aggressive as you can to put the stiffle on the opponent, you will still need to watch the opponent's power gain too.That's a problem. Nobody wants the opponent reaches SP3. So what's most likely to happen? You will stop hitting momentarily to bait their specials BUT in the process you are most likely to start losing a hefty amount of stiffle (they last only 4 sec. 10 sec if it's locked from SP1. Even after SP3, it's not that helpful at all as claimed in his spotlight).
Useful in ROL as they can't do any sp3 but not in other modes.
However, even when you have successfully spamming his SP1 to lock 12 Stiffle, you will notice that you are probably need to do that for 3-5 times of SP1. That doesn't include when the opponent is being passive and doesn't want to throw their specials OR when the opponent has a long duration special animation. The number could be much higher.

2) Stiffle debuff mechanic
The reduced Offensive Power Gain rate on the opponent when they have a Stiffle debuff is not useful at all when you're using Annihilus.
It's super annoying to keep watching opponent's power bar when you're trying to stack up the Stiffle.

3) Unrewarding Fury Buff duration.
Annihilus doesn't live up to the expectation as what being said in his champion spotlight. You really need to be precise on when to launch his SP2. Particularly if you launch SP2 when the opponent's power is close to 3rd bar of power, so you will find yourself trying to bait the opponent's special most of the time hence wasting the Fury.
That on itself is a problem too. When you're waiting the perfect time to launch his SP2, you will find yourself start losing the Stiffle. Then you will need to build it up again. It's annoying.
From my own testing, it's rare to get a perfect 12 Stiffle so it means you can't constantly get Annihilus' maximum damage potential. Stark Spidey for example is a champ that you can constantly have 10 Poise charge and he is not that difficult to play at all. But with Annihilus, the Stiffle ramp up is difficult and not worthy so I personally think that Fury buffs duration are also just not worth the effort.

4) Has a broken interaction between Annihilus' Debuffs and Despair mastery....
Broken in Duel, as far as my testing goes. But it works well on ROL Wolvie. Just check out the link below to see. I'll tell you beforehand that I have a maxed Despair mastery on which means opponent's healing is reduced by 15% per debuff on them.

My suggestions?
A]Put a small value of Taunt mechanic with the Stiffle just like Shehulk's passive Fury effect. It could be at least 10% Taunt per Stiffle. So that it will make it easier to bait opponent's special and allowing Annihilus to be more aggressive to stack the Stiffle.
B] OR the opponent is also power locked for at least X seconds after a successful SP1. For the same reason as point A above.
C] OR after Annihilus' SP1, the opponent is also having a reduced Defensive Power Rate for X% per Stiffle active at the time. Also for the same reason as point A.
D] OR also include a Stiffle lock ability to his heavy attack just like Omega Red's heavy to lock his spores. Also for the same reason as point A.


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  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    please do one for diabloW. he needs a buff or a complete rework and Devs need help understanding how to buff him 👀😂
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Was looking for some info on annihilus as he gets hopefully buffed soon. Nice writeup. I think your ideas would be great if implemented. Just tuning up his dmg a little bit, wont make him more gun to play as the stiffles still would disappear way to quickly for a rewarding gameplay.
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