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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Quick question

I just pulled a 5* Yondu.Anyone got any special tricks on how to use him most effectively?Any feedback would be much appreciated.


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    LibralonixLibralonix Posts: 229
    Youtube is a great resource for learning how to play with new champions, i find Seatin Man Of Legends videos to be a great help on most things, heres a quick link for one of his more recent videos relating to Yondu:

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    SDPSDP Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    He’s fairly simple. His arrows can penetrate blocks, so you kinda wanna be aggressive with hitting into them. The arrows will bleed them a little, but if they are immune it can armor break. Excellent heal block on the L1.

    He’s not the greatest, but he’s useful sometimes, and fun to play. Certainly not a bad champ. And he’s just cool! Always been a favorite of mine.
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