This needs to be changed- catalyst quests.

Look, I'm just a high level player here trying to just get my champs maxed out and ranked up so I never have to think about it again.
However there are more players that aren't at this level and need to upgrade their champions in order to progress. How are they supposed to do that with drop rates like this for a simple tier 2 class catalyst? This current photo is my 3rd pass in the quest. The first two passes (which explored it 100%) should at least yield me two catalysts. Instead I barely got above 1 full.
I think most of us has had enough of this.
Yeah that is a good idea for end game players. I'll take a fully formed tier 2 if it means I have to fight harder opponents. Just would like it to be the same energy.
For the beginners and intermeditates, I am not sure. If someone wants to take their champion from rank 3 -4 (3 star), it's gonna take a while unless they spend the units on refills.
I am lucky in getting at least 2 cats on 100% more often than never, but t2cc should be more readily available.
BTW hey Ctp. Long time no see. Old ally mate from Outlaw Killers here.