Monthly event bugs and cheats .. frustration only now

Hey i am playing this game since 3 or more years. But now this game making us really frustrated because this game is now only money grab game. More you pay more you can progress, no skill needed now. We all play this game for enjoyment and refreshment but this game is now making us really stressful because of some bugs and cheats. Even monthly event's enemies in uncollected difficulty is reacting too fast. Even cant do backdraft intercept to the annihilus because he is reacting too fast and also there is a bug in his sp1. Even after complete dax of his initial movement his spl 1 hit me. Juss really frustrated now.. my humble request you to fix all these bugs in the game. Bring more difficulties but dont put a bugs and cheats. Unplayable game now.
I myself have retired from higher competition (7×5/ plat2)and have joined 5×5/gold 1, because trying to complete all content with all the bugs was to stressful and too costly.