KABAM Please do a T4 Class Specific Offer. Drop Rate on whole T4Class is terrible now from Map 5

Before this new season of AQ, our alliance was averaging around 8 to 10 whole T4 Class Catalysts per week from running Map 5 each day. We were excited to see Map 5 Crystals as Milestone Rewards, but the enthusiasm quickly died when we realized we weren't getting ANY Whole T4B or T4C anymore.

Now, we average only 0 - 3 whole Catalysts per week from Map 5x5. That is abyssmal compared to what it was before. And I am sure I will hear luck of the draw...blah blah. But after Months of the same sad results, things become obvious. All we ever get is fragments anymore.

Many of us are trying our hardest to R4 Five stars, but at only 325 fragments per crystal opened, it could take FOREVER to reach 36,000.

I am officially desperate now. PLEASE do a T4 CLASS SPECIFIC CATALYST offer. Not a random one. I have been trying to complete one T4 Mystic for 3 months now and only half way there.
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