Revisit all the first gen champs (The tale of the Outclassed Champs)

The contest. It's constantly evolving, and many twists and turns follow along with it. Today I will make a suggestion, a suggestion that could change the balance of the contest for many years.
Long ago, there were a few champs available to be controlled by the Summoner. These included Iron man, Hulk, Drax and many others. They were great at tearing through the competition, but soon that was all about to change. The contest had a major evolution, starting out with adding a few of the X-men, Elextra, Netfix Daredevil and others. Soon enough, at least two champions were being added every month, rapidly expanding the Summoner's choices for a team. The Summoner was thrilled at all the new champs and their brand new abilities, so s/he didn't hesitate to add them on to his/her team. So as you would have guessed, most of the "old" champs are now considered "garbage" for the Summoner, and s/he becomes infuriated when one is pulled, and in extreme cases, even sells the helpless champ. The Elders have constantly tried to oppress this, buffing champs like Spider-Gwen, She Hulk and Venom. But I suggest they do this in a much larger scale. If all the first generation champs had added brand new abilities, the contest shall be balanced once again.
Long ago, there were a few champs available to be controlled by the Summoner. These included Iron man, Hulk, Drax and many others. They were great at tearing through the competition, but soon that was all about to change. The contest had a major evolution, starting out with adding a few of the X-men, Elextra, Netfix Daredevil and others. Soon enough, at least two champions were being added every month, rapidly expanding the Summoner's choices for a team. The Summoner was thrilled at all the new champs and their brand new abilities, so s/he didn't hesitate to add them on to his/her team. So as you would have guessed, most of the "old" champs are now considered "garbage" for the Summoner, and s/he becomes infuriated when one is pulled, and in extreme cases, even sells the helpless champ. The Elders have constantly tried to oppress this, buffing champs like Spider-Gwen, She Hulk and Venom. But I suggest they do this in a much larger scale. If all the first generation champs had added brand new abilities, the contest shall be balanced once again.
Revisit all the first gen champs (The tale of the Outclassed Champs) 10 votes