Buff up champs

Ok so it takes 4 months to get a 6* and that’s a really lonnng time I would have gotten it two months sooner but I broke my arm and was out on commission for sometime and I had just got a 6* praying literally for domino and I get antman, about a year ago me and my friend who also plays this game where talking about the worst 3 champs in this game duped and unduped and I said she hulk coming in at last place because she stunned and got a fury, magneto gets armor break and a decent bleed, antman being first because with a horrible damage output and the ability to fatigue with was sooooo useless, champs like colossus didn’t make the cut because he was sooo annoying on defense he’d proc or is it prok like 4 armors from a combo and it was so annoying so was hulk buster, x pool dead force could bleed on almost all hits and his sp2 was nice any how the point being having a champ like antman then having something like Emma it’s heavily unbalanced and I know they all can’t be great but 4 months for a bunch of fatigues is just bad he’s still not even good with synergies in my opinion.

Here are champs that should be buffed starting in the 6 star pool but most needed
Antman maybe some type of poison per hit that stacks and a super poison on l2
King groot he was silent nerfed u guys didn’t let the regen buff stack and just buffed but not enough
Hulk buster he should get like some sort of power function where an armor expired he gets 2.5 percent power

There are champs that can stand to be better like civil warrior, punisher, rhino, Hawkeye, rocket, moon night
You guys just added the worst champs in that last batch but to be far u added some of the best and these are really just suggestions these champs aren’t exiting and all of these are ideas please share yours and maybe if you guys do consider buffing him please make it quick he is my second 6* after all wound to be mad if it was like my 7th and I had a Corvus, omega, sabertooth, and domino


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