I have this same question. But mine is duped r3. I also have a 4 & 5*Corvus unduped r4 and nebula r3 duped. I like Corvus and nebula but not the play style of proxyma
I wouldn't rankup a 4* proxima for act 5...yes she can deal some heavy damage but she has low block proficiency and that coupled with challenger rating would mean that she would take a lot of block damage from act 5 defenders.. as a 5 or 6* I would take her to r3 atleast cuz of her unique ability of AAR during blocks
AM I missing something? I have her at rank 3 5* unduped. I thought she was supposed to be very similar to SL. I didn’t notice anything outstanding. I have a rank 3 5* unduped ghost and I can clearly see her damage (also without synergies).
1- I hate synergies