Returning player after 3 years

OneOmegaOneOmega Member Posts: 17
So I left the game back in 2016 for a myriad of reasons including way too much time in the game, lack of progression, crazy alliances and people. I started again this week and was obviously taken aback by all the new champions and such. I left near the start of 5*s and now everyone has them and there are 6*s.

My question is, is there any point of me coming back? I have joined a pretty chill alliance (so far anyway) who asked me to join but are way stronger and way more committed than I am. I have spent more time this week than I would any other week and really don’t want to be spending hours every day grinding. Can this game be played and can someone make progress in this playing casually?


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Sure you can. You can't make the kind of progression that you can by grinding, and you will have to wait on rank up resources that you could get by grinding, but the game is good.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    I've always found the worst thing about playing the game is being in an alliance that has different expectations from your own. If you want to be casual then you need a casual alliance, and it sounds like yours is a bit too much for what you want.
  • OneOmegaOneOmega Member Posts: 17
    Snizzbar said:

    I've always found the worst thing about playing the game is being in an alliance that has different expectations from your own. If you want to be casual then you need a casual alliance, and it sounds like yours is a bit too much for what you want.

    Well it’s “off season” right now so doesn’t feel strenuous or off pace at all. I’m just way down in terms of power and don’t know how much I offer now and how much I will offer later. I guess I can wait it out and see. My bigger concern is a lack of upgrade items and the whole catch 22 of the situation.
  • Jedi_HawkeJedi_Hawke Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    There are several game modes for solo or alliance play. Lots to do. Just find a balance of what works for you. You can progress solo, or in an alliance. At a casual pace or a fast pace. You can find game modes that require daily play and some that you can work on anytime you want.

    If you try to do everything all at once and get every reward on every mode. You will go mad once again. I join alliances that don’t do 3 groups in AW and AQ because I care more about monthly events and story mode than anything else right now.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    If you have yet to do so, do read this.

    Game is still being fixed for bugs.
  • NCB_ptNCB_pt Member Posts: 291
    AQ Map5x5 are now BattleChip free, so you dont have to grind anymore.
    Find ally that can play always Map5x5, you just need to enter in game like 6x a day.

    This way you can improve your 5* and gave fun.

    6* are more Often now, but more for who spend money in game (so can dup them, byuing that special cristals.....)
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    You will catch up, no worries. Current events allow for that.
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