5* VTD worth rank 4?

As the title states,is he worth ranking to 4?
Anyone have him that can compare him to perhaps other top tier cosmics?
Anyone have him that can compare him to perhaps other top tier cosmics?
And actually thinking about taking him to r5
I pulled the trigger. I do enjoy playing him.
His signature ability exactly adds very little to how well he can perform.
Check out my YouTube channel search Jaded Fusion.
I also have corvus duped and r5. I did vtd to r5 first no regret at all. They are unfortunately both ramp up champs so one usually sits out during questing. Both of them typically go to alliance quest on map 7s. But I still enjoy my vtd more then my corvus. Just overall the same thing but vtd has a bit more to him and a lot more fun to play.
I know VtD is a very good champ overall, depending on how you build him in the first 3-4 fights. My main gripe with him is he has high dps and sustain once he's built so he excels in long quests. But out of that, he kinda lacks utility in the form of immunities or power control and doesn't go on defence too well.
I have a R4 and R5 Cosmic gem and Cosmic AG sitting in my stash so kinda exploring the different options to use them on.
Still adjusting to his playstyle but his regen for me is nuts. I got kod, used a lvl1 revive, and 2 fights later hes at 100% health. His L2 wrecks everything I've come across. Seriously, I'd say his regen alone is worth the rank 4. I have no regrets ranking him over hyperion, and I'm the type that researches and researches and asks countless questions before I rank up champs.
I still haven't messed with the symbiote supreme and domino synergy yet. Both are 4* rank 4s. I can rank ss after work, and maybe a couple days on domino, but those 3 will def be paired with him to see how it goes.