Alliance War Start time and Ticket support is uselsess

We got AW postponed in a short amount of time with little warning and now everyone is in limbo wondering when the heck is it coming back? And is there any update on this by chance?
+ this is a combined thread so wouldn’t have to make two
support is useless.
I sent in two issues with a bug in the game dropping out (which could be on me) lost half health like one does, used 3 alliance heals (x300 units) , went back in and it automatically said time out which then dropped me half health again.. so then I heal AGAIN, and fight again. Well I went into my alliance chat, told my alliance and another guy said he had some of the same issue. He fought the boss and killed it (I sent in video proof) but I ended up killing boss on my end too and got all the points for it. So it let us both kill the boss and take life from both. 100% a glitch and it got sent to the Higher support, ticket closed and have not heard back for a month. (Just like the last time I had an issue and it was sent to the higher version support and closing a ticket). This whole issue really pissed me off because 5 heals is 15-20$ worth of units I had to end up buying.
Another thing, I ended up buying a combat regen for AW a couple days before it started because there is a set date everyone knew about. Wellllll kabam changes it last minute (which is fine, whatever, it gives more alliances time to tank so they can start at the ideal rating, so no one cares it’s held up) and that’s not my problem, my problem is the expiring boost I bought for AW season that was now useless and support again did nothing.
Why is it at kabams discretion of when to close support tickets or send it to a higher support team when you still need a direct answer of support. I have had two tickets sent to a higher team one being 1-3 months old with never a response, not even a too bad response email, even though showed video of the game f up.
Their system is GENIUS!!!! since then I’ve been soo pissed off, that I have no sent in another ticket because it’s so much freaking hassle to start the whole back n forth to someone new and it gets super frustrating to get computer generated/ copy and paste support, but when actual real custom support is needed, you never get a clear answer even when you have proof of kabam being in the wrong.
It is Very upsetting/frustrating when you spend more money on this game than your actual phone 2-10x over, get the customer service is 10,000,000x underwhelming. And hope this gets fixed soon.
+ this is a combined thread so wouldn’t have to make two
support is useless.
I sent in two issues with a bug in the game dropping out (which could be on me) lost half health like one does, used 3 alliance heals (x300 units) , went back in and it automatically said time out which then dropped me half health again.. so then I heal AGAIN, and fight again. Well I went into my alliance chat, told my alliance and another guy said he had some of the same issue. He fought the boss and killed it (I sent in video proof) but I ended up killing boss on my end too and got all the points for it. So it let us both kill the boss and take life from both. 100% a glitch and it got sent to the Higher support, ticket closed and have not heard back for a month. (Just like the last time I had an issue and it was sent to the higher version support and closing a ticket). This whole issue really pissed me off because 5 heals is 15-20$ worth of units I had to end up buying.
Another thing, I ended up buying a combat regen for AW a couple days before it started because there is a set date everyone knew about. Wellllll kabam changes it last minute (which is fine, whatever, it gives more alliances time to tank so they can start at the ideal rating, so no one cares it’s held up) and that’s not my problem, my problem is the expiring boost I bought for AW season that was now useless and support again did nothing.
Why is it at kabams discretion of when to close support tickets or send it to a higher support team when you still need a direct answer of support. I have had two tickets sent to a higher team one being 1-3 months old with never a response, not even a too bad response email, even though showed video of the game f up.
Their system is GENIUS!!!! since then I’ve been soo pissed off, that I have no sent in another ticket because it’s so much freaking hassle to start the whole back n forth to someone new and it gets super frustrating to get computer generated/ copy and paste support, but when actual real custom support is needed, you never get a clear answer even when you have proof of kabam being in the wrong.
It is Very upsetting/frustrating when you spend more money on this game than your actual phone 2-10x over, get the customer service is 10,000,000x underwhelming. And hope this gets fixed soon.