6* arena featured and 5* basic arena, is it time?

ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
edited April 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
Everywhere i see and go, people are pulling 6* left and right, its WHALE/Brag wars right now for these pulls,
now that 6* are available from fgmc, they should atleast do 6* arena, id like to grind/refresh for a garantee champ that i can grind for, than leaving it all up to RNG pulls to progress my 6* roster.

i am pretty up there in terms of getting 6* myself, but none of champs i want are R2 worthy imo, they are basically synergy/arena fodder right now for me... T1 wars and constantly finishing in masters in Aw, on top of doing top 1-10% in arena for shards, Arena already feels outdated and doing 11-12m per 2k 5* & 200 6* shards is abit underwhelming.

i am sure new arena will help everyone progress and atleast have chance at some progression in 5/6* roster


  • webtswxwebtswx Member Posts: 192
    maybe in a few months
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Maybe in few years
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    Hopefully never. A 6* feature and 5* basic arena only devalues our 5s even more. Why are we so quick to want to move away from our 5*s that we invested so much into?
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019

    Hopefully never. A 6* feature and 5* basic arena only devalues our 5s even more. Why are we so quick to want to move away from our 5*s that we invested so much into?

    well i have over 100 5* and on my 9th r5 5* yes i have imo think iv invested into alot on my 5* roster, i even grinded for around 10 champs in 5* featured arena, but now i am sitting at 6* roster of "21" pulls, and none of them id r2, and have some pretty bad dupes.

    meanwhile some people in my f2p account, have gotten god tier r2 worthy 6* and they are nowhere near having as much 6* pulls as me or have a full R5x5 5* roster, we still play map 5x3-5 depending if war is up and we dont even run full map5x5. (gold2 allaince)

    just gets to you,when ur 6* roster is pretty much arena fodder. its RNG but it hurts.

    im at my 22th 6* pull, and have just as much of a chance as my 1st 6* pull.
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    I think it’s about time for a 5* basic arena, probably gonna have to wait longer for a featured 6* one though.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    If they add more arenas (which I’d be happy with) they would have to combine some of the arenas already in place. Like the 4* feature and the 5* feature mash them together. Give the 4* feature to the 1-10% etc...
  • SarcasticTaurusSarcasticTaurus Member Posts: 446 ★★★
    HA!!!! When that becomes available the game will surely end thereafter... so give it a year, after they have tired everyone out.

    and knowing Kabam...

    6* featured - top 50 probably B)
    Featured 5* - they may be generous with a top 800, but most likely top 300.. :D
    Basic 5* - 1-10% as usual
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