Claim reward 1st

Not sure if this is said yet, hopefully Kabam can fix this, but be sure if your are ranking avengers, doing dungeons or any objectives, it would appear you have to claim the reward first before the next one is available. Seems you can't just do it all at once, claim when completed each objective.
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@Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit
I think the pop up should only be when you achieve the objectives. That way you have the option to claim then. They’ll fix the bug in the points. They are getting a lot of flack for it. If we just slow down and not pop crystals till it’s fixed we’ll be fine. Although some serious comp would be nice cause I always pop 10 at a time if I can.
And speaking of popping crystals. What about the objectives rank up to level 2? I have most of the avengers in most stars so I just can’t get those? If my avengers are past level I can’t get the points? How’s that work?