Who to Rank?

OmegaDexionOmegaDexion Member Posts: 45
I recently pulled 5* magik, and I also have 5* ghost, which should I r4 first. I have void r5, sparky r4, 6* duped sentinel, r4 blade, r4 cap iw, r4 killmonger and 6* symbiote supreme. I also have a 5* tech and mystic awakening gem that I could use on either one of them. I have played around with my 4* maxed magik a whole lot, but I haven't used ghost at all. I know that ghost is incredible, and I am trying to finish act 6, stuck on 6.1.2. I plan to take them up, but don't have enough t2a to take them up now, so who would y'all reccomend to rank first.

Who to Rank? 22 votes

Jaemon512adqqedfyvrRakeYoungOnesuavebroGamecodeOneFreeToPlay_21Lorussuel 7 votes
Thecrusher_9756mozzyDRTOXxLoganTDCxXshadow_lurker22LordRaymond3MC2707TankRichardsonLordNeoBlaker78X_Factor_AgentTiger360Ctleath_013Capn_DanteXyresic_Lemon 15 votes


  • XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Member Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Magik for Power Control
    Ghost for immunities and insane damage
    Do both, but do Ghost first because she is overall better
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Ghost is difficult to play with, but if you can get it down I think she'll be a lot more useful for Act 6 than Magik, and she is also totally worth the awakening gem.
  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    I love using Majik, but Ghost has immunities and god dang age so you should rank her up.
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