Who to Rank?

I recently pulled 5* magik, and I also have 5* ghost, which should I r4 first. I have void r5, sparky r4, 6* duped sentinel, r4 blade, r4 cap iw, r4 killmonger and 6* symbiote supreme. I also have a 5* tech and mystic awakening gem that I could use on either one of them. I have played around with my 4* maxed magik a whole lot, but I haven't used ghost at all. I know that ghost is incredible, and I am trying to finish act 6, stuck on 6.1.2. I plan to take them up, but don't have enough t2a to take them up now, so who would y'all reccomend to rank first.
Ghost for immunities and insane damage
Do both, but do Ghost first because she is overall better