Dungeons points vs artifacts

Pete4ever_khanPete4ever_khan Member Posts: 199
So i got the max artifacts (like 900 or so) for this run (skill & cosmic)
Then i keept playing thinking that points was the same as artufacts.
Then i made today another 1500 points but artifacts did no go up....dam waht a bummer i didnt know. What happens to your points once u reach the max rewards? Pls help


  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    When you get points, you get milestone rewards(artifacts)based on the points. Once you reach the final milestone, there are no more artifacts to get, until the dungeon resets after the 3 days, but you can still get points, there just won't be any rewards for it
  • Pete4ever_khanPete4ever_khan Member Posts: 199
    Dam. Well many tnx
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