
Now that you have these individual quest such as using or defeating avengers characters, are you going to go through and mark all the avengers not just the popular or movie ones? Such as spiderman and both ms marvel's as well as newer avengers in the comics like rogue?
1) Spiderman - Stark-Enhanced is NOT considered an Avenger during Solo challenges, despite having been dubbed an Avenger explicitly in Infinity War. One could argue that the Stark-enhanced suit was originally designed in Homecoming, but Tony advanced the enhancements in IW. An alternative would be to introduce a new Spiderman modeled after the Infinity War suit.
2) Uh... If I already have all of the "Avengers" as 4-star champions ranked beyond level 1, it is impossible to meet the Solo Objective for ranking up a 4-star Avenger. The only viable option (which seems a little ludicrous to me) is that I am having to consider selling one of my champions just with the off-chance that I *may* get lucky and get another from a crystal.
BTW: #New Avengers does not count