The Meta Humans - New Page!

Hi All!
Recruting members after hard week.
We are AQ and AW oriented alliance.
Skill matters more than rating...
AQ cycle.
We try to do 54343 or 45343 according to AW phase. We want to be able to play more map5...
We hit SA every week.
We also hit the following events:
Item Use
1.We need players with 11 rank 4/40 4* that could at least clean their path in AQ and AW.
2. Donations are a must cause they make us to play AQ
3. Event minimums:
a) SA - 8k
b) Duels - 650
c) Completion - 18k
d) Item Use - 2.5k
Thanks for attention.
For more info add Gulsumbi in line.
Alliance Name: The Meta Humans 2.0 [TMH97]
Recruting members after hard week.
We are AQ and AW oriented alliance.
Skill matters more than rating...

AQ cycle.
We try to do 54343 or 45343 according to AW phase. We want to be able to play more map5...
We hit SA every week.
We also hit the following events:
Item Use
1.We need players with 11 rank 4/40 4* that could at least clean their path in AQ and AW.
2. Donations are a must cause they make us to play AQ
3. Event minimums:
a) SA - 8k
b) Duels - 650
c) Completion - 18k
d) Item Use - 2.5k
Thanks for attention.
For more info add Gulsumbi in line.
Alliance Name: The Meta Humans 2.0 [TMH97]