Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliance need

What’s up I’m looking to join an alliance.
Hero rating 633,735
For more info msg me
My line ID is z3us323 with Display name N¥TE


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    nienienienienienie Posts: 67
    Sent you an in game friend request. Not sure what type of alliance you are looking for but here's a description of our alliance

    19.5 million, Gold 2, Map 4-4-3 Relaxed War-Focused Alliance for Experienced Players

    Relaxed alliance of experienced players who like to do AW (2 bg's). Need 1-2 skilled players who can clear paths who will commit to do at least 5 wars per season. We only do two bg's so people can take some wars off to deal with real life, but require communication, keeping things moving, etc. when attack phase is on. We finish two AQ bg's (third is for points). No donations, no minimum event scores, and have voluntary Line chat. Friend me if interested. IGN: nienienie

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