Looking for alliance

Looking for alliance over 4mil rating game Name GarySid Line id garysingh


  • Qasim_Nazir_14Qasim_Nazir_14 Member Posts: 12
    Hey bro, join us
    Search tag LGBK
  • MheikalMheikal Member Posts: 91
    ALLIANCE - SynergyDogs [4Dogs]

    We are a good core group of nine players looking to expand our alliance. We are all daily players, but are not elite and don't demand that our members are either. All we ask is that you contribute daily. We currently run map 2 in AQ due to our numbers, but are looking at moving to Map 3 as we grow. We also win most of our AWs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.

    PM Ryan00F in game if interested, or just join up!

    Here's to growing together!
  • SuperCookieSuperCookie Member Posts: 21
    We are an intermediate alliance with 3 millions rating. We do AQ map3 & map4 mostly and AW. Please feel free to drop us in game messages.

    In game name: SuperCookii
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