Champions for Nameless Thanos 3rd phase

I was thinking that since you can get a safeguard with Nameless Thanos, another option might be to use champions that benefit from a large number of debuffs on the defender. Right now I can only think of Luke Cage and Wasp. Any other ones I’m forgetting?
Not saying other champs won't work, but I think for this reason, Avengers will almost slways do it faster, with fewer deaths, and with WAY more room for error. Doesn't mean you can't play other champs tho. Part of the fun with these puzzle bosses is finding all the ways to knock them down 😁
Choosing 1 or 2 champs to deal with the first 70% of the fight and then having the rest of the team filled with Avengers for the final 30% is the way to go IMO. Makes the fight so much less of a headache.
I also remember all the same complaints last time we faced a similar Thanos.
easy peasy