1 for 1 trade ins based on cost of items

I’ve seen a lot of discussion on trading, mostly champs; and I wouldn’t say it’s a good thing bc ppl would just trade a crappy 2* for a great 4* or higher but it may still be doable. It’s pretty easy to rate these champs based on god tier and whatever tier so if kabam were to place a unit value on those champs, you’d be able to trade in a 4* spark for a 4* blade, but not a 2* gamora for a 5* ghost. That being said, the reason for this post is to suggest doing the same for items.
I’ve only had the opportunity to open up four 5* AGs, 1 mystic and 3 skill. Whether it’s free to play or you spend real money to get them, they are still really hard to come by. Can we get a trade system where you can trade one for one? While putting a trade cap to avoid abuse. Meaning if I trade a skill AG, for whatever AG I want, I wouldn’t be able to trade again for say another 3months or 6 or a year. At least nothing of that value.
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