Monthly Event Quests/ Should they be buffed?

Hello Summoners,
today I wanted to brink to debate something that I find very probable. as you all probably know, Act 1,2,3 has been buffed with many extra rewards. Returning to the game because of my last accounts being lost, I felt kinda discouraged to waste all my energy for just a few 3 star crystals and some tier 3-4 Basic ISO-8. The buff was easily one of the best buffs for rewards yet, and I hope the same will happen for the monthly event quests. I think that beginner, normal and heroic should be buffed. Let me know what you would want to see added to the rewards.
today I wanted to brink to debate something that I find very probable. as you all probably know, Act 1,2,3 has been buffed with many extra rewards. Returning to the game because of my last accounts being lost, I felt kinda discouraged to waste all my energy for just a few 3 star crystals and some tier 3-4 Basic ISO-8. The buff was easily one of the best buffs for rewards yet, and I hope the same will happen for the monthly event quests. I think that beginner, normal and heroic should be buffed. Let me know what you would want to see added to the rewards.
Master should give 5 t4b 1 5* crystal and like 7 t1a
Heroic 2 t4b 3 t1a 3 4* crystals
You’d pay more units, and spend more time to complete the content? That doesn’t equate to an increase in rewards. You’re simply spending more resources for more in return within a shorter time span.
Within a few days the forums would be littered with complaints about how there is too much difficult content to master with inadequate time in which to do so.
There’s still a month’s worth of time to beat the boss this month. How are increased rewards gonna help you if you aren’t skilled enough to get them in like 40 days?
I spent around 400 units and 4-5 energy refills to get him down the first day, because I’m stubborn and impatient. That’s nothing. That’s a half a week of arena and a few free milestones for alliance events. The cost of a couple FMGCs. ...And you have over a month to do it.
Honestly, it’s pathetic how much people want an award just for showing up. They want it fast and easy, or not at all.
Play dungeons with a random partner sometime, and you will quickly come to understand what I mean.
Interestingly, Nobody ever views the enjoyment they get out of the game as the prize. This is almost never taken into consideration as a reward. As worthy of the cost. It’s absolutely fascinating to me.
They love/hate it so much that they seriously feel it owes them something... Something other than just having existed, because of the people who created it...the people who need actual money to perpetuate it.