Some suggestions on how to improve the following totally worthless champs in the 6* pool

Some suggestions on how to improve the following totally worthless champs in the 6* pool
Antman - make SP1/SP2 have an 70% chance to stun for 3 seconds, SP3 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds
Blackbolt - make 80% chance to stun 90%
Cyclops - make all specials have residual incinerate damage (similar to Mephisto's SP1)
Daredevil (og) - make all special attacks have armor break (similar to Iron Fist)
Hulkbuster - increase health by 20%, start the attack with an armor similar to Killmonger's Vibramium armor
Iron Fist - increase 55% chance armor break to 90%
Juggernaut - change heavy attack stagger to stun, increase 11% chance to gain fury buff to 30%
Karnak - make True Strike last until he gets hit
Loki - make him cold/coldsnap immune, add to his SP2 reduce enemy power by one bar
Magneto - increase passive metal wielding enemies accuracy reduction to 70%
Phoenix - Double the incinerate damage from 42.6 to 85+ over 10 seconds instead of 6.
Psylocke - SP1 removes 1.5 bars of power instead of 1
Rhino - Increase base health by 20%, every 5 combo gain attack increase similar to Star Lord's special (cap at 300)
Rocket - make SP1 unblockable
Thor (JF) - make chance to stun from 21% to 40%
Storm - Increase special attacks chance to stun from 60% to 80%, make her shock resistant (won't take much damage from attack the likes of Electro)
Please do something about these champs in the 6* pool that's just useful in arena.
Antman - make SP1/SP2 have an 70% chance to stun for 3 seconds, SP3 100% chance to stun for 4 seconds
Blackbolt - make 80% chance to stun 90%
Cyclops - make all specials have residual incinerate damage (similar to Mephisto's SP1)
Daredevil (og) - make all special attacks have armor break (similar to Iron Fist)
Hulkbuster - increase health by 20%, start the attack with an armor similar to Killmonger's Vibramium armor
Iron Fist - increase 55% chance armor break to 90%
Juggernaut - change heavy attack stagger to stun, increase 11% chance to gain fury buff to 30%
Karnak - make True Strike last until he gets hit
Loki - make him cold/coldsnap immune, add to his SP2 reduce enemy power by one bar
Magneto - increase passive metal wielding enemies accuracy reduction to 70%
Phoenix - Double the incinerate damage from 42.6 to 85+ over 10 seconds instead of 6.
Psylocke - SP1 removes 1.5 bars of power instead of 1
Rhino - Increase base health by 20%, every 5 combo gain attack increase similar to Star Lord's special (cap at 300)
Rocket - make SP1 unblockable
Thor (JF) - make chance to stun from 21% to 40%
Storm - Increase special attacks chance to stun from 60% to 80%, make her shock resistant (won't take much damage from attack the likes of Electro)
Please do something about these champs in the 6* pool that's just useful in arena.
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