Don't Allow Revives/Potions in AW

Not sure if this has been attempted by Kabam previously but I would like to see how it affects the scoring and defense layouts. Seems odd you can just revive and heal when it's supposed to be about competition.


  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    I don’t disagree this could show more accurate levels of skills and competition, but it’ll lose money for kabam. That’s a deal breaker
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    @NiteAndDae and @Tasty_Yum_Yums only way to change it is by doing something. Not just sitting and accepting the fact they only want money.
  • Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★

    @NiteAndDae and @Tasty_Yum_Yums only way to change it is by doing something. Not just sitting and accepting the fact they only want money.

    I choose to do not items war, but that’s not the same as forcing no items war.
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    @Tasty_Yum_Yums you are correct about that, wish everyone was as stand up as you!
  • jojodeth101jojodeth101 Member Posts: 480
    But reviving and potion using is a major part of winning and losing Alliance war. So I don't think that Kabam should ban them
  • Kaladin_Kaladin_ Member Posts: 391
    I like this idea, but they money hungry. I'd be surprised if they change anything.

    I mean we still have major bugs in the game going on 2months now.
  • Dogor2393Dogor2393 Member Posts: 70
    They need to make money because is a business so i don't think is a very good idea. After all, they have families and stuff to pay hahaha.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    If the use of AW pots and revives was a direct part of calculating AW score, then that would be a good way to judge skill. As it stands at the moment, you can revive however many times as you want up to 15 times assuming you use all 15 items as revives and it would not reduce your AW score any further.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    That's by design. Using Revives has never gone against scoring. Defender Kills did. However, they were removed, and several iterations later, we have a scoring system that accounts for skill, but doesn't penalize people for spending. That's as it should be. People shouldn't spend Resources to lose points. They're spending on those Resources as it is. Then there's the ongoing issues. The top of the Leaderboard would be about 20 people with devices not lagging. Lol. Perhaps not exactly, I'm just being colorful. The bottom line is, Revives have never been a penalty, and shouldn't be.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    There is an item use event for a reason lol. Kabam isn't going to discourage item use. Would be fun though
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2019
    Love the opinions but I can't get behind the whole argument of Kabam is a business and needs to make money. The game wouldn't exist if they weren't making money already. I just would like to see how it affected scoring and results to see if the change is positive. Kabam has to make business decisions but we don't, we are just hear for the enjoyment so let's try and maximize it. Also, the whole "pay to win" concept should never be in a competitive forum. That negates the whole fairness aspect because then worse people can win with more resources, that's not how an even playing field works.
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80

    That's by design. Using Revives has never gone against scoring. Defender Kills did. However, they were removed, and several iterations later, we have a scoring system that accounts for skill, but doesn't penalize people for spending. That's as it should be. People shouldn't spend Resources to lose points. They're spending on those Resources as it is. Then there's the ongoing issues. The top of the Leaderboard would be about 20 people with devices not lagging. Lol. Perhaps not exactly, I'm just being colorful. The bottom line is, Revives have never been a penalty, and shouldn't be.

    Revives for PvE should never be penalized you're correct. When you enter a competitive PvP arena then having unfair advantages by having more revives than the other team doesn't make sense. Also there is the basic argument that you can't revive in war lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★

    That's by design. Using Revives has never gone against scoring. Defender Kills did. However, they were removed, and several iterations later, we have a scoring system that accounts for skill, but doesn't penalize people for spending. That's as it should be. People shouldn't spend Resources to lose points. They're spending on those Resources as it is. Then there's the ongoing issues. The top of the Leaderboard would be about 20 people with devices not lagging. Lol. Perhaps not exactly, I'm just being colorful. The bottom line is, Revives have never been a penalty, and shouldn't be.

    Revives for PvE should never be penalized you're correct. When you enter a competitive PvP arena then having unfair advantages by having more revives than the other team doesn't make sense. Also there is the basic argument that you can't revive in war lol.
    You also can't control the Metal in an AK with your mind in War. Lol. It's a game, not Vietnam. ;)
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2019

    That's by design. Using Revives has never gone against scoring. Defender Kills did. However, they were removed, and several iterations later, we have a scoring system that accounts for skill, but doesn't penalize people for spending. That's as it should be. People shouldn't spend Resources to lose points. They're spending on those Resources as it is. Then there's the ongoing issues. The top of the Leaderboard would be about 20 people with devices not lagging. Lol. Perhaps not exactly, I'm just being colorful. The bottom line is, Revives have never been a penalty, and shouldn't be.

    Revives for PvE should never be penalized you're correct. When you enter a competitive PvP arena then having unfair advantages by having more revives than the other team doesn't make sense. Also there is the basic argument that you can't revive in war lol.
    You also can't control the Metal in an AK with your mind in War. Lol. It's a game, not Vietnam. ;)
    Control the Metal in an AK? I wasn't trying to change physics lol You're right it's a game that I play at my leisure and if I think there is something that can improve it I put it in the "Suggestions" forum...Why are you talking about Vietnam? I just meant war as a concept typically once you die you don't get revived.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    This isn't an actual War. It's a game mode. I don't mind you adding suggestions. I was just making a point that it's a game with people who fly and manipulate Metal. It's not real, and it's not really meant to simulate actual War.
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  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    @GroundedWisdom I'm saying I'm not debating the fact it's a game or not. I'm debating that in PvP games "pay to win" as a strategy shouldn't exist. It doesn't create an even playing field lol.

    @Jestress That's not for me to worry about as a summoner. That's for Kabam to figure out, I simply would like a change to be attempted to see how it would affect results and scoring.
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  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    How about allowing a certain amount on health point as revive and potions, rather than a number of items.

    The number of health points would be define by lets say.... the prestige of your alliance?

    Just throwing an idea in the mix here.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    People aren't paying to win. You have 3 Attack Bonuses, and the objective is to take the Node down with all 3. 80 Points per Bonus. If you die 3 times, you lose all 3, and the Opponent has more of a chance to win. Anything after that doesn't matter, aside from Defenders Remaining and Exploration. Where it counts is the Boss, and in many cases, that really matters because depending on your Tier, or the Boss Killer you have, you're probably going to need it. People don't just pay to win because they can use Revs. There's a whole Points System behind Wars.
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    @BenQcSlayer I agree. Like one team revive and one team potion. With a slight dock in points for using them.
  • edited May 2019
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  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    @GroundedWisdom I appreciate the debate but if you implemented that into a competitive scene of any other game there would be an outrage among the community. Let's make it simple and take away attack bonuses, defender diversity and all that to put everyone on the same field. That leaves the process of fighting and clearing the map left. If you have access to revives and others don't, you have a higher chance of winning which is unfair to those people that are in the same competitive bracket but maybe don't have the resources outside of the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Making purchases doesn't ensure the Win is my point. It's all in the Points. I've gone over this many times when War iterations were taking place. We have a system that works, and Defender Kills were removed for a reason. They're not going to allow people to make purchases and penalize them for spending. That's paying to lose. Just because people can use Revs doesn't mean they bought the Win. It all depends on the Points.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Just because some people can clear a Map without dying doesn't mean others should follow suit.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    For that matter, if they're using Revs and you're not, then winning wouldn't be an issue.
  • albanyaussiealbanyaussie Member Posts: 80
    @GroundedWisdom sure nothing is guaranteed but the fact it affects it at all is "unsportsmanlike" which is silly when it's supposed to be fun. It's not like being the top alliance gets you anything legitimate in real life lol.
  • edited May 2019
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    It is not unsportsmanlike. Both sides can use them if they need to. I'm sorry, but it seems you have some sort of ethic that really doesn't match the system we're playing in.
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