As much as I wanted to see Colossus get buffed. I must say Groot getting a buff would really shake things up. As it stands he's practically useless compared to so many other options. Between the two, he needs help the most so I'll be with you. #BuffGroot2019
His unique abilities could translate into a really creative rework. Groot gives the developers a chance to shine as his power set could be a great opportunity to add new abilities and a one of a kind style of play. Yes he's strong and can regenerate (as can many in the game) but few can morph their bodies and there are so many crazy things plants can do that the possibilities are endless. Sure we can have another tank with fury and unstoppable added (looking at you Colossus) , another buff crazy bleed generating symbiote, another tech champ with shock added, or maybe we can have something new with Groot. As I write this I see that KK somewhat fits into my argument but honestly the plant angle Groot offers has so many more options than the young inhuman brings to the table. Plus Groot is awesome. Just hands down a character you can love. He's the tree that keeps on giving. Join me in proclaiming We are Groot!
Think of it as a buff to not only groot but the whole guardians's team: new unique synergies, boosting the champions that need it, like rocket. A full guardians of the galaxy team could finally be viable...
I'm good. Cosmic class is OP. Meanwhile there's an unbelievable amount of garbage in the mutant class.
Like omega, domino, AA, iceman, Emma frost, sabretooth, X23, havoc and mister sinister? Pull the other. Mutant is the single most stacked class in the game
His unique abilities could translate into a really creative rework. Groot gives the developers a chance to shine as his power set could be a great opportunity to add new abilities and a one of a kind style of play. Yes he's strong and can regenerate (as can many in the game) but few can morph their bodies and there are so many crazy things plants can do that the possibilities are endless. Sure we can have another tank with fury and unstoppable added (looking at you Colossus) , another buff crazy bleed generating symbiote, another tech champ with shock added, or maybe we can have something new with Groot. As I write this I see that KK somewhat fits into my argument but honestly the plant angle Groot offers has so many more options than the young inhuman brings to the table. Plus Groot is awesome. Just hands down a character you can love. He's the tree that keeps on giving. Join me in proclaiming We are Groot!
Only thing I can say is...
I am Groot.
We are groot!