Finally, we win this time, also no death and item for me. Got some hits from Domino, but barely survived. It seems the bug of Domino is fixed. Anyway, it is really good to win.
It was lost from the start as we could not complete on other group. Though costs me 2 deaths probably due to lack of enough boosts. (Able to kill without death next time.)
Finally we won this time. Not so good fights of mine though. Domino canceled my sp2 and one death to me. Should used invulnerability boost then. Could not kill Thing, but cleared the nose with help. Also I should have brought different champ instead of Magik. Anyway win is a win, and hope to win the remaining two wars of this season.
This war was terrible for me. Start itself was bad as it costs 2 deaths. When died at Nick Fury, almost gave up. But, realizing Nick Fury is not duped, I could continue. The mini-boss was easier as I dealt with him several times, and this time killed without death. The second problem was The Thing. Got help from my colleague, but costs all items of both. Anyway learned a lot and maybe I can finish him next time. The IMIW was just a mistake and took one more death. Surprisingly even I did terribly, we won this war and placed at P1.
This time, our plan is to win. One death due to loss of timing, but finished other fights okay.
20190507 [SA BB] SAVAGE BB's
This time also plan was to win. Clean finish without death and also without any item use.
Avoidable 3 deaths. Managed to finish the line, but not so good war this time.
20190512 [J11] X-Men
Worst war so far. Could not kill the Thing on 35 node. By other team members help we could kill the boss, but lost the war.
20190514 [x-B0U] L E Y E N D A S 2.0
Not so bad, just one death from Killmonger. However lost war this time again. Avoiding hitting when reverberation may cause timeout.
20190517 [Amon7] Amon Ra!
Finally, we win this time, also no death and item for me. Got some hits from Domino, but barely survived. It seems the bug of Domino is fixed. Anyway, it is really good to win.
20190519 [Sp•Ba] Space•Bastards
It was lost from the start as we could not complete on other group. Though costs me 2 deaths probably due to lack of enough boosts. (Able to kill without death next time.)
20190521 [2-1-1] New Avengers 2
Close lose. Died once to ICEMAN, hit by special 1. Tried to heal up but lost too much health.
20190524 [C&R] Cerberus Revenge
Finally we won this time. Not so good fights of mine though. Domino canceled my sp2 and one death to me. Should used invulnerability boost then. Could not kill Thing, but cleared the nose with help. Also I should have brought different champ instead of Magik. Anyway win is a win, and hope to win the remaining two wars of this season.
20190526 [SSx2] SavageSquad
It was good war for me, but result was lost. Managed to clear my path without death, especially Korg.
This war was terrible for me. Start itself was bad as it costs 2 deaths. When died at Nick Fury, almost gave up. But, realizing Nick Fury is not duped, I could continue. The mini-boss was easier as I dealt with him several times, and this time killed without death. The second problem was The Thing. Got help from my colleague, but costs all items of both. Anyway learned a lot and maybe I can finish him next time. The IMIW was just a mistake and took one more death. Surprisingly even I did terribly, we won this war and placed at P1.