Merging both captain america

NikhilNikhil Member Posts: 101
There are 3 captain America in the game right now. World war time, current time one, and infinity war one.
However, first two captain americas are almost the same expect small differences.
So here's my suggestion and request, merge both the champions, keep all the abilities combined, and all the players who have at least one of them get the new combined version. He won't be much different as both versions are almost similar.

I would like to know everyone's opinion on this. Personally i think this as a great idea to freshen up the old and gold caption america, remove a clone version so that the we have uniqueness for every character.

And as we're on this topic, this can be done for the both versions of captain marvel and ms. Marvel


  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    I think we should remove all clone versions of champs. Magnetos, cyclops, captain marvel/me marvel, captain America they are all useless champs that just offer the player base a higher percent chance of pulling trash from their crystal pulls.

    That fact that the 6* crystal has 2 different versions of cyclops is absolutely disgusting!
  • NikhilNikhil Member Posts: 101
    belli300 said:

    I think we should remove all clone versions of champs. Magnetos, cyclops, captain marvel/me marvel, captain America they are all useless champs that just offer the player base a higher percent chance of pulling trash from their crystal pulls.

    That fact that the 6* crystal has 2 different versions of cyclops is absolutely disgusting!

    That's why I suggested merging. It would be cool to have one captain America version with the iconic shield, who has all the abilities of both versions. And then we have a captain America infinity war version.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    I'm not for removing any Champ.
  • NikhilNikhil Member Posts: 101
    edited May 2019

    I'm not for removing any Champ.

    Both the captain America have similar appearance, almost same abilities, and exactly same moves. How the players must be feeling when the get both the captain america back to back ?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,979 ★★★★★
    There are a few that are like that, but I'm still not on board for removing any Champs.
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