Why i think groot should be buffed (supported with evidence)

Firstly, this is not spam. I’m simply voicing my opinion. Just because you support colossus doesn’t mean you should report me.
Reason 1-
groot actually has decent animations. Even if colossus where to be buffed, his animations would still suck, and he would still be boring and a pain to use.
Reason 2-
There is a whole lot more potential for groot than colossus. For colossus it would probably just have to be a stat buff and a armor rework, but with groot, there are tons of new Debuffs, buffs, and mechanics that would fit groot perfectly.
Reason 3-
He could have some interesting synergies with other guardians. Colossus has no friends like groot does.
Counter arguments to colossus supporters:
colossus deserves a buff because people have goofed on him for years
Just because he’s a meme doesn’t mean he deserves a buff more than someone who isn’t.
I have a 5 star colossus therefore he deserves a buff
We all have a 5 star colossus. You aren’t special.
3- the cosmic class is already powerful enough.
The mutant class is easily more viable in general than the cosmic class. It’s almost as if people are forgetting that the 2nd and 3rd best characters in the game are both mutant, being domino and omega red respectively. What does cosmic have? Corvus glaive? He’s overated. Don’t @ me.
Reason 1-
groot actually has decent animations. Even if colossus where to be buffed, his animations would still suck, and he would still be boring and a pain to use.
Reason 2-
There is a whole lot more potential for groot than colossus. For colossus it would probably just have to be a stat buff and a armor rework, but with groot, there are tons of new Debuffs, buffs, and mechanics that would fit groot perfectly.
Reason 3-
He could have some interesting synergies with other guardians. Colossus has no friends like groot does.
Counter arguments to colossus supporters:
colossus deserves a buff because people have goofed on him for years
Just because he’s a meme doesn’t mean he deserves a buff more than someone who isn’t.
I have a 5 star colossus therefore he deserves a buff
We all have a 5 star colossus. You aren’t special.
3- the cosmic class is already powerful enough.
The mutant class is easily more viable in general than the cosmic class. It’s almost as if people are forgetting that the 2nd and 3rd best characters in the game are both mutant, being domino and omega red respectively. What does cosmic have? Corvus glaive? He’s overated. Don’t @ me.
lets do this guys, Colossus I dont like already a lot of good xmen
2. This is not evidence, this is an unsubstantiated statement. If anything, it shows a lack of imagination for Colossus.
3. Colossus doesn't have the same friends, but he could get synergies with other champs like Deadpool, Deadpool X, Juggernaut, UC, Domino, Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Magik (list goes on). In some cases it's a great champ, in some cases his new synergy may make other champs viable. Besides, which guardians are so super? Starlord maybe? Gamora is decent and the rest is average to bad. Kind of like Colossus' potential teammates...
AS for the counter-argument you address:
1. Agreed, but most arguments for Colossus are not this, so this is not really relevant.
2. Agreed, but again, not the prevalent argument (in fact I haven't seen this argument anywhere) = fake evidence
3. Hyperion Medusa Corvus Venom the Duck Annihilus Brie Larson Marvel Heimdall Proxima and don't forget that Cosmic had 2 very good buffs for Venom and Carnage not too long ago. And the mini buff to Gamora. So lack of knowledge on your part.