554 AQ - Gold 2 - 14 mil ally - looking for a few chill players

Hit me up on line at jwt2020
We run 554 in AQ day 1 and 2 and 544 day 3-5. 80 million most weeks. Very chill ally. We hang out between tier 7 to 10 for war. We could be higher with a few more active players. 200k min to join. We currently only have 1 spot open.
We run 554 in AQ day 1 and 2 and 544 day 3-5. 80 million most weeks. Very chill ally. We hang out between tier 7 to 10 for war. We could be higher with a few more active players. 200k min to join. We currently only have 1 spot open.
Hit me up in line. Everyone else, we have 1 spot open as of now.