Introducing the Uncollected Arena and Uncollected Free Crystals

Summoners! The Grandmaster hopes that you’re enjoying the changes he’s made around the Battlerealm and to the Contest so far! Today is the day that the Uncollected Daily Crystal will make its debut, but it’s only the beginning.
The Grandmaster has targeted another couple crystals to change next, just for the Uncollected among us! Namely, it’s time for an update to the Free Crystal (the one you can collect every 4 Hours), and the addition of a brand new Arena Crystal!
Firstly, the Free Crystal will be replaced completely with the brand new Uncollected Free Crystal, for those who are Uncollected. This new crystal will remove the Level 1 Health Potions and Gold available in the Free crystal, but will replace them with Level 3 Health Potions and Golden Crystals. Here are the items that can be found in the Uncollected Free Crystal:
Golden Crystal
Level 2 Health Potion
Level 3 Health Potion
Small Energy Refill x2
Small Energy Refill x3
Level 1 Revive
Level 2 Revive
Secondly, The Grandmaster would like to introduce a brand new Arena Crystal. The Uncollected Arena Crystal will be available in addition to the already available Arena Crystal. The difference? Instead of costing 2000 Battlechips per Crystal, it will cost 10 000 Battlechips per crystal. The Contents of the Crystal have also been raised 5x times! So you are able to score 5 times as much gold, 5 times as many units, 5 Full Energy Refills, and 5 times as many points for Summoner Advancement. What’s the major difference? The 3-Star Punisher that is acquirable in the regular Arena Crystal has been removed, the 4-Star Punisher will be as common as the 3-Star originally was, and a new 5-Star Punisher will be available in the Uncollected Arena Crystal!
The Grandmaster will be introducing these Crystals to his Contest of August 16th at 10am PDT! But remember, these Crystals are ONLY available to the Uncollected Summoners at Level 40 or over! To become Uncollected, you must gain the Grandmaster’s Favor by defeating The Collector at the end of Act 5 Chapter 2!
The Grandmaster has targeted another couple crystals to change next, just for the Uncollected among us! Namely, it’s time for an update to the Free Crystal (the one you can collect every 4 Hours), and the addition of a brand new Arena Crystal!
Firstly, the Free Crystal will be replaced completely with the brand new Uncollected Free Crystal, for those who are Uncollected. This new crystal will remove the Level 1 Health Potions and Gold available in the Free crystal, but will replace them with Level 3 Health Potions and Golden Crystals. Here are the items that can be found in the Uncollected Free Crystal:
Golden Crystal
Level 2 Health Potion
Level 3 Health Potion
Small Energy Refill x2
Small Energy Refill x3
Level 1 Revive
Level 2 Revive
Secondly, The Grandmaster would like to introduce a brand new Arena Crystal. The Uncollected Arena Crystal will be available in addition to the already available Arena Crystal. The difference? Instead of costing 2000 Battlechips per Crystal, it will cost 10 000 Battlechips per crystal. The Contents of the Crystal have also been raised 5x times! So you are able to score 5 times as much gold, 5 times as many units, 5 Full Energy Refills, and 5 times as many points for Summoner Advancement. What’s the major difference? The 3-Star Punisher that is acquirable in the regular Arena Crystal has been removed, the 4-Star Punisher will be as common as the 3-Star originally was, and a new 5-Star Punisher will be available in the Uncollected Arena Crystal!
The Grandmaster will be introducing these Crystals to his Contest of August 16th at 10am PDT! But remember, these Crystals are ONLY available to the Uncollected Summoners at Level 40 or over! To become Uncollected, you must gain the Grandmaster’s Favor by defeating The Collector at the end of Act 5 Chapter 2!
One question: Is the 5-star punisher from the Uncollected arena crystals as rare as the 4-star punisher from the current arena crystals?
This is part of the rewards from act 5. No changes were made
Does this mean that I can get 5x 5-star punishers in one crystal?
what is going to happen
I'm dumb.
The Grandmaster will be introducing these Crystals to his Contest of August 16th at 10am PDT!
Whats next those who beat Act 5 at the end of the yr will get to open a 6* crystal????
I don't understand why people constantly complain about this. They are progression rewards designed for players in the later stages of the game. Do you expect level 1 players to be able to have the same rewards as level 60? No of course not. Plus they won't go away. Once you finish 5.2 you will get those rewards too. Everyone shouldn't get the same rewards.
How is it unbalancing things further? It's called an incentive. It's not something the top players get and others will never see. You can also get these changes just by beating 5.2, and this is their way of updating crystals that have long been sub-par for a lot of people. It's just another carrot at the end of the progression stick.
Act 5 completion will probably be a 5* Awakening gem crystal, a 5* crystal, and some amount of t2A, among other things.
Plot twist! When you beat Act 5 completely, the Grandmaster gets pouty and takes his fancy crystals AND his ball and goes home!