Was voting for colossus a bad idea?

It’s pretty evident that colossus won but I’m unsure as to what they would do with him. Colossus doesn’t have that many base abilities already. He’s a man made from organic steel and he could potentially make an annoying defender. I was looking for an offensive beast and every other character on that poll has more unique abilities than colossus. Thoughts?
They could increase his crit for each armor up (not cap them) and crits could be what triggers the armor breaks on the opponent. They could give his specials more damage based on ups/breaks. They could increase damage/attack based on armor.
Just because he doesn’t have a lot of skills/abilities in the comics doesn’t mean they can’t work his current set into an all new version.
But in the stories he has fought soo many god tier champs. Helped xmen avengers fantastic 4 & lots of teams & even those DC marvel crossover stories.
Old man logan is the last man standing at the end of marvel comics. The comics is bestsellers. And he took down maestro. And his infamous hitlist. To me he needed a revamp.
Putting him in an unstunnable node can be a pain. Then if he fails there's Always that unstoppable Colossus literally a character in the game. I don't know why everyone went for him. People usually use attack champs based on attack output and utilities. And logan had a lot.
They could have work with
Unblockable Spacials with 'berserker' active.
Granting him True strike
True accuracy
Endurance at 1% health like corvus or punisher that he can't die.
Then ofcourse his critical rating and regeneration... He had a lot of utilities.
It's a bummer that we had a chance to send our choice to kabam. And we missed on Logan.
I voted Venompool. Wouldn't have minded OML or Groot. Colossus is so basic in every manner of the word, his animation, basic attacks, and just overall boring to use. I understand that's the reason people want him buffed, but they're not going make him into a completely different 'god' tier champ. They're just going to make some changes to his abilities to make him a bit more effective. I doubt they change any of his animations or special attacks
collosus if buffed up n goes anything near luke cage then he will be quite a nice defender.
What Colossus doesn't have:
He doesn't have a healblock
He doesn't have regeneration
He doesn't have a bleed
He doesn't have fury
He doesn't have a shock
He doesn't have a cruelty buff
What Colossus does have:
Armour Up
Bleed Immunity
No matter how bad the other champions are, and they are all bad, Colossus is the worst out of them all. He has 0 utility, his armour ups are useless as a defender when Corvus is an attacker, or any character with an armour break for that matter, his damage is so low that they had to invent a new number just to say how bad it is! That number is Negative Colossus! Sorry bad attempt at a joke. But his damage is awful, his armour ups are basically useless, the only thing he has that's remotely useful is bleed immunity.
Dr. Zola
Personally I would have preferred Venompool since he was my first 5/50 and one of my early 5* champs or KK because I find her to be the worst overall champ in the game. However I felt balance was important for all.
Just wanted to offer a point of veiw that has nothing to do with some YouTube clown. Everyone seems to feel that is where decisions are made, and it may be for the majority, but there are independent thinkers here.
Get ready for more unstoppable, unblockable, long dull fights with new colossus.
BTW, I like a lot of what Seatin says, but I did NOT vote for Colossus.
I thought a Groot buff had a lot more potential for something fun.
I just hope they will implement my rework suggestion.
I'm fine with Colossus I guess. I'll be surprised if his buffs are offensive. I'm expecting an annoying defender that people will rank just to plop in AW and never use.
At least it's a 2015 champ that will get some attention but I'm honestly surprised that he won by as great of a margin as he has. Shows the power of marketing really.