Domino trinity bug

I have been having issues with dominos extended debuff durations with her synergy in variant and aw I asked for help and some sort of compensation only a bit of what I used as I had taken one of the hardest paths the poison korg path on 3.3 yj variant which is a pain as it is then I got to the boss to find out that limber was still negating stuns completely with domino so i ended up at the boss with the wrong champs now as I couldn’t do the parry heavy technique with her but was already committed and had to finish it as I spent a bit on korg, I contacted kabam and they basically said f**k you when I asked for some compensation but now I have proof aswell


  • Is there a way to post a video on here to show you?
    edited May 2019
    This is just a example as I don’t wanna get back to Yellowjacket again and waste resources if there not gonna do jack in compensation let me know if anyone else is experiencing this too
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    I have been having issues with dominos extended debuff durations with her synergy in variant and aw I asked for help and some sort of compensation only a bit of what I used as I had taken one of the hardest paths the poison korg path on 3.3 yj variant which is a pain as it is then I got to the boss to find out that limber was still negating stuns completely with domino so i ended up at the boss with the wrong champs now as I couldn’t do the parry heavy technique with her but was already committed and had to finish it as I spent a bit on korg, I contacted kabam and they basically said f**k you when I asked for some compensation but now I have proof aswell

    Why do you think limber would be completely negated by Dominos buff extension. Limber lowers the time of a stun by some amount each time they are stun. Just like taking masteries that extend your stun, limber will eventually negate that as well.

  • It doesn’t on any other quest only variant and aw or when I completed lol it gives you extended seconds from the synergy so no matter what limber does it should still be longer, check this with anyone specially the ones that smashed lol with this technique!
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    It doesn’t on any other quest only variant and aw or when I completed lol it gives you extended seconds from the synergy so no matter what limber does it should still be longer, check this with anyone specially the ones that smashed lol with this technique!

    Mathmatically your "should" statement is false. It depends on when the buff extention is added, is it added before or after the reduction from limber is added.
  • RafamateRafamate Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2019
    Lormif said:

    I have been having issues with dominos extended debuff durations with her synergy in variant and aw I asked for help and some sort of compensation only a bit of what I used as I had taken one of the hardest paths the poison korg path on 3.3 yj variant which is a pain as it is then I got to the boss to find out that limber was still negating stuns completely with domino so i ended up at the boss with the wrong champs now as I couldn’t do the parry heavy technique with her but was already committed and had to finish it as I spent a bit on korg, I contacted kabam and they basically said f**k you when I asked for some compensation but now I have proof aswell

    Why do you think limber would be completely negated by Dominos buff extension. Limber lowers the time of a stun by some amount each time they are stun. Just like taking masteries that extend your stun, limber will eventually negate that as well.

    Lormif, what game are you playing again? You obviously don't know how domino-masacre synergy works. Go and do some research. I can show you video of me fighting LOL Spiderman. I parried and heavied him until he was dead. He had limber too. My point is, domino with masacre negates limber completely.
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    I think this happens because Variants limber reduces by a set amount of time (0.1 seconds) instead of being percentage based like the limber node in LOL
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    Voltolos said:

    I think this happens because Variants limber reduces by a set amount of time (0.1 seconds) instead of being percentage based like the limber node in LOL

    This probably the correct answer, a hard reduction in seconds will always result in a faster drop than in an % drop over the same time. A % drop may result in a faster at the start but over time it will drop off. And a flat number can go into the negative where as a % drop cannot, theoretically.
  • Well I’ve nearly 100% variant and every time I fought against yellow jacket I parried unlimited number of times I’ve used that for him on all the last section because of limber so I know it worked there it’s just stopped working all of a sudden so this is a glitch or a silent nerf
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Well I’ve nearly 100% variant and every time I fought against yellow jacket I parried unlimited number of times I’ve used that for him on all the last section because of limber so I know it worked there it’s just stopped working all of a sudden so this is a glitch or a silent nerf

    i used the synergy on yellow jacket in all but one path, the same path you just did, and it never worked there, eventually he always got to shrug off the parry immediately
  • It’s worked the other 3 times there just not this time
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    It’s worked the other 3 times there just not this time

    I dont know when the other 3 times were, I have not made a move on it since before last months patch and it was the same way then so I cannot comment on your other 3 times.
  • The other 3 times were still Yellowjacket on a limber node so it’s the same node but this time it’s not working
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    The other 3 times were still Yellowjacket on a limber node so it’s the same node but this time it’s not working

    not the same node matters a lot. As @Voltolos this is a differnt limber, as in it is a numeric drop and not a % drop. WIth a % drop you can never get the point where limber drops off instantly, nor can you get a negative value for the buff, because with a % drop you will approach 0 but never reach it. With a numeric drop you can reach 0 and even go into the negatives.
  • I just said it’s the same limber node
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    I just said it’s the same limber node

    my apologies, your statement appears to contradict itself. "Yellowjacket on a limber node" could mean any limber node. I am sorry if that is not the way you intended it.
  • Ok lormif enough of your views is there anyone else that could shed some light on the situation please
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    The domino trinity still eventually stops working when it’s a hard drop limber node for me
  • Luke208080Luke208080 Member Posts: 103
    I never noticed the limber description from variant was different. Damn Kabam should call it something else.

    I actually think Dom should still het her extra second with massacre. But its an order of operations question, and Kabam is terrible at giving visibility into stuff like that.
  • I don’t think it is Luke I can’t see any difference and it used to work tbh
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