Domino trinity bug

I have been having issues with dominos extended debuff durations with her synergy in variant and aw I asked for help and some sort of compensation only a bit of what I used as I had taken one of the hardest paths the poison korg path on 3.3 yj variant which is a pain as it is then I got to the boss to find out that limber was still negating stuns completely with domino so i ended up at the boss with the wrong champs now as I couldn’t do the parry heavy technique with her but was already committed and had to finish it as I spent a bit on korg, I contacted kabam and they basically said f**k you when I asked for some compensation but now I have proof aswell
I actually think Dom should still het her extra second with massacre. But its an order of operations question, and Kabam is terrible at giving visibility into stuff like that.