Annual Class Rotation Crystal (Trading Heroes)

Maybe people in my alliance will stop rage quitting if they have something to look forward too? I'm almost at that point myself. My alliance mate has a 6 star Aegon, 6 star Domino & a 6 star Captain America Infinity War. That he rubs in all our faces every AQ & AW). I have a 6 star Phoenix, 6 star Kingpin, 6 star Winter Soldier, & 6 star Antman. These are all COMPLETELY useless. Unless they are duped and even then still suck, don't help me progress through the game, don't help me with AW or AQ and they don't come close to Domino, Aegon & Cap Infinity War or any of the new characters. I'm grinded so hard for 6 stars like many other people and this is the result.
So another idea I had to balance the game more:
1 time per year we are awarded a special crystal of a certain class (Cosmic, Skill, Tech, Science, Mystic, Mutant) that allows us to switch one of our champions for another in the same class. So a Tech for Tech example would be Iron Patriot for Star-Lord. The level of the crystal (3-6 stars) is dictated by the Summoner's progression in the game.
i.e. Cavalier: 5 & 6 star
Uncollected: 4 star
All the minor titles: 3 star
This would help players because:
1) We can finally get rid of the character we hate the most of a certain class
2) It would help a dedicated endgame player who has had crappy luck switch to a champion who can actually clear endgame content. We all know at this point characters like Aegon can walk through the Labyrinth of Legends. I think everyone should have a character with this capability added to their roster after a certain point. Shouldn't just be luck.
3) I think its kinda sad that out can play the game for years and not get the exact champion that you want (5 or 6 star version). Life too short not to enjoy that 6 star Captain America Infinity War
That's my views
So another idea I had to balance the game more:
1 time per year we are awarded a special crystal of a certain class (Cosmic, Skill, Tech, Science, Mystic, Mutant) that allows us to switch one of our champions for another in the same class. So a Tech for Tech example would be Iron Patriot for Star-Lord. The level of the crystal (3-6 stars) is dictated by the Summoner's progression in the game.
i.e. Cavalier: 5 & 6 star
Uncollected: 4 star
All the minor titles: 3 star
This would help players because:
1) We can finally get rid of the character we hate the most of a certain class
2) It would help a dedicated endgame player who has had crappy luck switch to a champion who can actually clear endgame content. We all know at this point characters like Aegon can walk through the Labyrinth of Legends. I think everyone should have a character with this capability added to their roster after a certain point. Shouldn't just be luck.
3) I think its kinda sad that out can play the game for years and not get the exact champion that you want (5 or 6 star version). Life too short not to enjoy that 6 star Captain America Infinity War

That's my views