7.2 Million Alliance looking for one member
TGCI is looking for one active member. We are a group that has been together for a while and are replacing a member that couldn't be active anymore. We run map 5 in AQ and are in the expert tier. We are looking for someone that can hold their own (especially on days 4 and 5) and is team oriented. Minimum 200k pi. Our requirements are as follows:
Completion 10k minimum
Duels 325 minimum
We get all milestones in item use, no minimum, just contribute as much as you can
Weekly donations of 135k gold, 30k bc's, and 12.5k loyalty
Use of line for alliance chat
If you are active and looking to join please message me in game at cyjack or on line at cyjack1. I am in central time zone (US), so if it is late I will get back to you in the morning.
Completion 10k minimum
Duels 325 minimum
We get all milestones in item use, no minimum, just contribute as much as you can
Weekly donations of 135k gold, 30k bc's, and 12.5k loyalty
Use of line for alliance chat
If you are active and looking to join please message me in game at cyjack or on line at cyjack1. I am in central time zone (US), so if it is late I will get back to you in the morning.