Recruiting KDRK LEGACY'S Ally

We will like to invite you to join us in an alliance where you can grow your champs and have fun doing it. We need from you just to do your part in AQ and AW (map3) , require to have a team of 100k and to have Line, in order to communicate.
As we have bigger account un it, we will grow fast and you with it.
The ally will be shown (by request) so get in touch with me on Line, Djgamer77 send me a message and we will talk before entering in the ally.
We are organize and bunch of fun, with members with good sense of direction and good humor.
4 players are forming this ally, which mean that you will become family too in here.
If you have been doing this game alone then stop and contact me.
We have 18 places open, don't wait and contact me asap, we already start 1bg for war and our gold is 3 bgs with bunch of fun..
Thanks for your attention. See you there...
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