Looking for alliance doing AQ map 6 or 5. AW Gold 1

Need alliance clearing AQ map 6 or 5 and AW G1.
I am active player. Timezone GTM +4
contact me in line: bachobacho
In game: datkallmighty


  • Shin_OniShin_Oni Member Posts: 13
    Hey, we are looking for a new recruit and we do what you want. If you are interested for a quick chat, please contact me on line shin_oni
  • Acipp23Acipp23 Member Posts: 15
    Still looking
  • Lodown2008Lodown2008 Member Posts: 19
    We only hit gold 2 usually but with just 5 3-bg wars. A few 1bg wars for the more aggresive members. In AQ 5 by 5 gets us to the 120 million milestone. Find me on line app at mattcovert.
  • Acipp23Acipp23 Member Posts: 15
    I need ally where map 6 is cleared at least 2 Or 3 days
  • marekr85marekr85 Member Posts: 11
    Hi mate, we are doing BG1 and BG2 2x map 6 on placement days and BG3 5x map 6.
    Can’t find you in game or on Line, so please hit me up - eMaRe.
    We’re gold 1 not pushing for plat, AQ is our focus, at least until Kabam ramps up AW rewards.
  • Acipp23Acipp23 Member Posts: 15
    marekr85 said:

    Hi mate, we are doing BG1 and BG2 2x map 6 on placement days and BG3 5x map 6.
    Can’t find you in game or on Line, so please hit me up - eMaRe.
    We’re gold 1 not pushing for plat, AQ is our focus, at least until Kabam ramps up AW rewards.

    friendship request sent
  • Acipp23Acipp23 Member Posts: 15
    there is a mistake in ing name

    line id: bachobacho
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