I was going for Cull, but I'm not mad at this. I haven't used him yet. Anyone have him? Does he need to be Awakened? Fill me in. Thanks.
I went deep. Don’t hate me. Ha! Things got crazy. Have an AG, 3-4 gem, and 100 stones. Blew all my glory on T2A already though, so I’m short on T1 and T4B. Can’t wait.
He needs his sig ability. I have been using him in AQ and he helps a lot. When you have flame on, he has nova flame and power sting. He is a great champ and worth a rank up
He’s got some nice damage and a bit of utility, outside of mystic and energy damage matchups or where you use the pre fight ability he’s pretty meh, but in the right fight he’s a beast
The whole idea is to start collecting all F4 eventually together. Their synergies will make them a pretty amazing team. So, hey, you are 25% of the way there! Congrats!