Is it just me or is anyone else just generally bored with this game right now?



  • FreakydFreakyd Member Posts: 209
    Ye, just pieced together my last 5*. Got Jane foster again. That was a v literal waste of time. Haven't really enjoyed this month's but that's just me. I never get anything worth ranking so I feel like I'm just working hard to sell off everything before it runs out. I can't be bothered anymore :))
    I have had a fun few years though. Definitely had some good times and met some good people. :)
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    _GRINDER_ said:

    Same for all . It's pretty darn boring . The rng on pulling champs that you don't have is so incredibly low . I have opened 15 5* crystals in the last month and not a single new champ and the ones that I dupe were all let's just say not so useful champs . It's pretty disheartening .
    The only thing that gives me a kick is opening a 6* but that takes months to form a crystals. Unless they redo the arena or the monthly EW rewards , I am also thinking of quiting . I am tired of giving this game importance it doesn't deserve and now it's my time to move on

    It’s disheartening dealing with the RNG. I’d actually buy a champion outright but the game is set up for gambling ultra-low % for a new champion for those with gambling addictions so I’m not the target audience. Too bad, I’d drop $75 for a new 5* specific champion and give up the chance of a 6*.
  • Judge_PainJudge_Pain Member Posts: 93
    For me it's not the event that is triggering my apathy and others I play with. It's the 22.0 update that introduced an overly defensive AI and bugs that make every fight take much longer to get through. No excitement to watching the defender block, dash back, block, dash back. 30+ seconds to bait one special. No thanks.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,445 ★★★★★

    For me it's not the event that is triggering my apathy and others I play with. It's the 22.0 update that introduced an overly defensive AI and bugs that make every fight take much longer to get through. No excitement to watching the defender block, dash back, block, dash back. 30+ seconds to bait one special. No thanks.

    It's actually funny watching Kingpin twitch like a speedster on fast forward going blockblockblockblockblockblock with his back to the wall.
  • Graveyardlove09Graveyardlove09 Member Posts: 12
    I’m just bored of the constant resources putting in the game and see no return, a bunch of 5* champs that you can’t dupe, spending money on crystals for new 5* 6* champs get nothing but 3* champs, why don’t they just call them 3* star crystals, this game is getting boring and expensive. From this day on I will not invest a penny in this game!
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★

    I’m just bored of the constant resources putting in the game and see no return, a bunch of 5* champs that you can’t dupe, spending money on crystals for new 5* 6* champs get nothing but 3* champs, why don’t they just call them 3* star crystals, this game is getting boring and expensive. From this day on I will not invest a penny in this game!

    There must be a way to balance both camps who want the rng and those who don’t? It’s wasted potential monetization?

  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Super bored of late, just feel like I’ve lost Motivation to improve on my roster. Used to grind the arena pretty hard so might be a little burnt out but basically just been logging in for AW and AQ.
    Didn’t even attempt last months EQ so was the first time I hadn’t completed and explored it and not sure I’ll do this months either. Last couple of updates have really drained it for me and this endgame event might be the biggest let down I’ve experienced in my MCOC playing day’s. With so much focus and attention on all things marvel lately just feel like this game is losing a bit of steam which is disappointing in its own right, hopefully it’s just a phase because I genuinely enjoy playing it.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    It is so boring, I decided to finally do Act 5.4 completion...
  • Koya_M0lekKoya_M0lek Member Posts: 23
    Im playing almost 3 years and believe me i’m still not get any decent 5* to rank up as attacker. Trash after trash RNG. So i lost my motivation to be honest.
  • edited May 2019
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  • _I__I_ Member Posts: 306
    agree. its about 1.8yrs now that am playing this game n now am not happy when am playing. its looks like am inside a pressure cooker. am tired of kicking ppl am tired of requesting ppl to not double on paths. am tired of getting useless champs.before used to enjoy arena grinding. now I stare n nod my head n say am bored.when I open the game it feels more heavy duty than my homework or exams. So finally I have decided to quit after this war season. am weary of the game now.
  • IksdjvanIksdjvan Member Posts: 239 ★★
    I was just thinking how bored I am last night. This months eq is way too long.
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  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Ya i am also tired of getting the same champs from 5 star crystals
  • Gambl0rGambl0r Member Posts: 214 ★★
    edited May 2019
    I think this month's event just took the gas out of the community. I was anticipating this event for months, knowing the movie will be the biggest Marvel film of all time. Thought it would blow us all out of the water, only to be one of the worst EQ's in a long time. Such a shame. And with the introduction of Class Gates in Chapter 2 (where 4 of your 5 team slots have to be 6 stars), it's just getting to the point of 'I'm getting tired of this'
  • Scarlett_Scarlett_ Member Posts: 273
    KabamOreo said:

    Yeah me too I just don’t really feel like playing the game anymore

    Why has this users comments been flagged this is his opinion , some people are freaks
  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★

    Hey y'all -

    Just wanted to drop in and let you know we appreciate all the feedback regardless of it being negative. We ask that you do keep it constructive though as it gives even more insight to what you're thinking and keeps everything on topic.

    Thanks, everyone!

    Not bored of game. Just not enough content. Isn’t that obvious that I’m writing here instead of collecting rewards?

    Make it simple and with doable energy. Don’t want to waste my hard collected refills to some 250 5* shards. Bounty missions were a good example. It’s not that hard? I love this game and don’t want to quit. Even if you guys say like we’re about to bankrupt I’ll change my f2p stance. You have my word. Just don’t waste our efforts and labor. Thank you.
  • BeerDragoonBeerDragoon Member Posts: 54
    I like the game, I really do, but honestly some aspects of it are starting to get boring with me. I legit look forward to the 3 days when we don't have AQ on. The only reason I even bother going through the motions with it is so I have glory for AW.

    Even AW now is like....meh? With Cavalier crystals it is hardly worth the effort. Honestly if something doesn't change soon I'm going to semi-retirement mode, probably followed by fully retired shortly thereafter.
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  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    Yeah, it's just too long.

    Usually every event I run heroic, master, and UC and try to hit the other part of the event. Takes me about a week for a full completion of a difficulty because I take my time with it. So a normal month holds me from 3-4 weeks.

    But this one doesn't have enough additional stuff to full in 6 weeks. I finished heroic, master, and UC. I have been doing the quest for the stones and fight for the battlerealm quest. (Not 100% of all of Search for the Stones because it's not worth the energy.) And the rewards for this are extremely underwhelming, almost not making it worth the time.

    There's static content (Act 6/Variants) I can still work through, but can't always do that with AQ/AW running through given the champion limitations of those quests.

    In the end it leaves me bored and without working towards resource collection.
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    Another post kabam ignores
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    I used this month to 100% Act 5 after so long cause everything else is pretty boring tbh. Got a 5 star Magneto for my troubles when I just got a 6 star one like a week before. That really just killed my motivation to play this month.
  • kamalnathr1993kamalnathr1993 Member Posts: 18

    I just have been feeling so bored with this game lately and feels more like work then fun to me. The End Game event opened and after a week or 2 of that it was spent. Nothing to do. The side event stuff is like an evening if that of new stuff to do 1 day a week. Its cool and all but it just really no content to it. I just feel like there is nothing to do to get rewards as there usually is on the daily? Just nothing is happening. No rewards to no worth while crystal opening. I dont even really like dungeons that much but wish they where happening right now. The journey stuff was cool but the crystals you got just did give you much of anything and is it a one time thing and thats it now or do we get these monthly. If so thats pretty cool. Maybe that was supposed to be why we didnt get much side event rewards.

    I am losing interest in this game.
    This game is more fun when you spend either money or time grinding. So on weekdays I do feel like not opening the game at all after the rewards not changing for anything. But it's still fun to open crystal.
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