Just look at this Frustrating Issue - GR

007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
This is again a tiring request. Guys.
GR needs to be immune to some of the in game damage over time buffs. I mean come on. U guys are using MCU champs. Even Marvel now champs. Even Netflix champs. Rider needs to be incenerate - poison - coldsnap immune.
I mean that's like taking a basic utility from a champion. The guy can incenerate people. See the comics & even agents of shields. Please. Giving this 3 immunity won't make him a God. Or difficult to play against. Just atlast soo many of your users have said this over and over. Every new player gets surprised seeing him like this. U guys did an awesome job. But. This is basic. Rider is literally one of the most powerful Character of Marvel. Now a days champs gets crazy utilities. Even u guys r buffing Colossus. This is savagely unfair. Please.

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