All Ancient ones



  • Dogor2393Dogor2393 Member Posts: 70

    I left my alliance I am officially quitting the game after 4 years of my life goodbye MCOC

    Farewell my friend!
  • PoolPool Member Posts: 117
    You can get 5 5* every year if you just log in everyday. Units and other free rewards we get is bonus.
  • Dylanblade1993Dylanblade1993 Member Posts: 27
    I am not ok with this 5* pull at all butt that's my fault for hoping that after 4 years I'd finally get to see what it's like with an awoken 5* I grind just like everyone else butt the gods of kabam apparently do not see me fit enough for an awoken 5* I regret every penny I spent trying to earn that crystal never again will I spend money on this game this has ruined it for me butt it's my fault for choosing to spend money on it but I swear to you it will never happen again you have lost your Income from this summoner
  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    Guess quitting the game didn't quite stick?
  • Dylanblade1993Dylanblade1993 Member Posts: 27
    I had a 7 mill ally convinced me to join an stay and since I'm 5 maps from beating act 4 last chapter I've grown a lot stronger maxed numerous 4* max sig to it's hard for me to walk away because I've invested a lot of my time an money in this game I leave 4 years of my life is wasted not to mention the money I joined the line app got close to my alliance members we watch each others back honestly it's my fault I should not have gotten my Hope's up I really thought this was gana be it I'm just really disappointed that hurt......a lot
  • Dylanblade1993Dylanblade1993 Member Posts: 27
    I want to apologize to the kabam team for any negativity I have said I love this game regardless of what I have I can't deny that you have a lot to deal with already an do not need petty things to deal with like this so I do apologize for the way I have acted I am wrong for my actions and I apologize thank you for making the greatest mobile phone game sorry if I have caused you any problems all is well in my soul thank you for making this game I mean that sincerely......
  • Dylanblade1993Dylanblade1993 Member Posts: 27
    I hope I get a good 5*Awakening gem thanks Ethier way tho for real kabam....thanks for the grace days and all the cool items we are receiving I've completed act 4 I'm currently taking on act 5 to become uncollected it's a lil tougher butt the Awakening gem will hopefully help with the last stretch just wanted to say thanks...
  • Dylanblade1993Dylanblade1993 Member Posts: 27
    I got a science awakening gem i was really wanting/needing skill figured it'd be fare all things considered....can we trade gems kabam please.....
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