Stop asking me to buy things for 30 50 or 100 dollars if its for a 4 star I cant even use anymore!!!! Dont you remember? You banned them from all future story quest content so stop selling 4 star rank up materials for so much money!! And dont write back saying " well, you are still welcome to use anyone in events and arena"....I DONT CARE! If you ban 4 stars and make 5 stars 2nd rate with people awakening their 6 stars now then the very very LEAST you could do is put 4 star awakening gems and sig stones in the lesser and greater solo crystals. Or even sell them, but not for 50 dollars!. How about a 4 star generic awakening gem and 60 generic sig stones to go with it for maybe 10 bucks...that i could and would buy. Its only 4 stars guys. If you want the game to progress you have to make 4 stars an easier thing to get. I understand why 5 and of course 6 stars are hard to rank. But not 4 stars. Not anymoee since you made them so obsolete.
Scott (E8)