Please slow the reaction time ....its ridiculously fast!

Unknown_SoldierUnknown_Soldier Member Posts: 154 ★★
edited May 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
I expect Uncollected to be hard......but making the AI react so instant when there are KNOWN bugs with block, parry and framerate......u need to adjust so your game is actually FAIR. I dont think marvel intends for EVRTY charager in Marvel Universe to have Spidey they shouldn't heavy champs SHOULD be slower. This issue is creeping into arenas as well. AI can instantly DeX dash forward and combo.....
Heavy attacks are impossible and almost always result in and return parry a parry stun..
.this is garbage. If this is going to be new norm of this game the Heavy needs to be updated to a swipe up or down as is......holding down guarantees a INSTANT counter.

We are not AI the game should be reasonable in speed. Last few updates the reaction speed has gotten worse. Please be considerate that your game caters to ALL players including kids
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